Scrum Alliance Code of Ethics

To report a potential violation by a member of our community, please click here.

We believe that the credibility and reputation of Scrum Alliance is shaped by the collective conduct of individual practitioners. This Code of Ethics (this "Code") establishes the expectations that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global scrum community, and establishes an organization-wide understanding of appropriate behavior. This Code applies to all Scrum Alliance members and those holding or applying for any Scrum Alliance credential (collectively, “practitioners”).

Violations of this Code are determined in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy and Procedures. Any final disciplinary action instituted by Scrum Alliance shall be binding and final upon the practitioner and without recourse to Scrum Alliance, its officers, members or staff.

Collectively, these policies ensure that all incidents involving Scrum Alliance practitioners are addressed in a consistent manner.

I. Representation

All Scrum Alliance practitioners have an obligation to themselves and to Scrum Alliance to represent themselves truthfully, professionally and in a non-misleading manner and to protect the integrity of all Scrum Alliance issued certifications and of the process by which those certifications are earned and awarded. All Scrum Alliance practitioners shall:

  • Not employ deceptive means to obtain, attempt to obtain, maintain, or assist others in obtaining or maintaining any Scrum Alliance certification, including by submitting to Scrum Alliance any document or testimony that contains a misstatement of fact or omits a material fact;
  • Not falsely represent themselves as a holder of any Scrum Alliance certification, nor otherwise use or assist others in fraudulently using Scrum Alliance certifications or marks;
  • Promptly inform Scrum Alliance when possessing knowledge or evidence of fraudulent use of Scrum Alliance certifications or marks by any individual or entity;
  • Be honest and accurate in presenting qualifications and experience in all communications with others; and
  • Not engage in or condone behavior that is designed to deceive others.

II. Professionalism

All Scrum Alliance practitioners shall conduct themselves in a most professional and ethical manner whether in scrum and agile activities, in Scrum Alliance volunteer service, or in related endeavors that could reflect upon Scrum Alliance so as neither to offend nor bring discredit to themselves, Scrum Alliance, or their fellow practitioners. All Scrum Alliance practitioners shall:

  • Maintain a collegial relationship with fellow practitioners and others based upon respect, professional courtesy, dignity and high ethical standards;
  • Not discriminate against or harass others based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation or identity, or any other legally protected status, nor engage in hate speech as defined in Attachment 2;
  • Not engage in any illegal or improper behavior in connection with their professional dealings or business or that otherwise harms the reputation and standing of Scrum Alliance or of its practitioners;
  • Not use – either orally or in writing – materials, titles or thematic creations originated or owned by others unless approved in writing by the originator or owner;
  • Protect proprietary or confidential information that has been entrusted to them and maintain the confidentiality of business or personal affairs of clients, Scrum Alliance, and other practitioners;
  • To the extent applicable, adhere to the Business Practice Guidelines attached to this Code of Ethics as Attachment 1; and
  • Conduct themselves in a professional manner in all dealings, even when it is not reciprocated.

III. Professional Responsibility

All Scrum Alliance practitioners will strive to perform professionally and responsibly at all times. All Scrum Alliance practitioners shall:

  • Take responsibility for and fulfill the professional commitments that they undertake, without impairment from substance abuse;
  • Make decisions and take actions to avoid behavior that would pose a threat or potential threat, or reasonably be perceived as a threat, to the health, well-being or safety of others;
  • Take ownership of their errors and omissions and accept accountability for any issues resulting from their errors or omissions and any resulting consequences;
  • Proactively and fully disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest to the appropriate parties; and
  • Comply with any established learning objectives for courses which they teach.

IV. Compliance with Scrum Alliance Policies

  • Not retaliate against any person for in good faith reporting a violation of this Code of Ethics, Scrum Alliance policies and procedures, or applicable law to the practitioner’s employer, Scrum Alliance, or to any governmental authority;
  • Report to Scrum Alliance within 30 days convictions, guilty pleas or no contest pleas to felonies and certain misdemeanors, as described more fully in the Disciplinary Policy and Procedure; and
  • Respond in a timely manner to inquiries or requests for additional information from Scrum Alliance relating to compliance with this Code of Ethics or other Scrum Alliance policies.

V. Pledge of Ethics

As a practitioner of the Scrum Alliance, I acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical obligations to my customers, trainers, colleagues, and to the public at large. I pledge to act in accordance with this Scrum Alliance Code of Ethics (which includes all attachments hereto, which are incorporated herein by reference), to treat people with dignity as independent and equal human beings, and to model these standards. I understand and agree that if I breach this Pledge of Ethics or any part of the Scrum Alliance Code of Ethics, the Scrum Alliance in its sole discretion may hold me accountable for such breach and that such accountability may include the suspension, denial, or termination of my Scrum Alliance membership and/or my Scrum Alliance credentials, or other disciplinary measures.


Attachment 1

Business Practice Guidelines

All practitioners are expected to engage in business conduct that is ethical and responsible, and are expected to refrain from any practices that are disreputable or would reflect poorly on Scrum Alliance or its practitioners.

No persons or organizations who, beyond merely using the certification as a symbol of the quality and achievement of their knowledge and skill, offer and sell services to third parties (e.g., training, coaching, mentoring, and the like) (“Educational Services”) are permitted to engage in practices that are considered by Scrum Alliance to be disreputable or improper, regardless of whether these practices are legal in a specific jurisdiction.

These practices include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The use of mass, unsolicited email (“Spam”) for marketing purposes.
  • The use of “bait and switch” tactics, where a course offering is made, but the course is never provided (except due to circumstances that are not foreseen at the time the course is offered) or is provided under terms other than those disclosed to and agreed by the students, including being led by a different trainer.
  • Engaging in false or deceptive marketing, or making unsupported claims in marketing.
  • Marketing courses without having a specific trainer confirmed to teach the course, or marketing multiple courses by the same trainer on the same date in different locations.
  • Failing to accurately and fully disclose all expected fees or costs in advance of providing services;
  • Failing to provide prompt refunds to customers in the event Educational Services are canceled or changed in a manner that is unacceptable to the customer.
  • Using classroom time to discuss personal opinions or viewpoints unrelated to the subject matter of the Educational Services, including political or religious opinions.

In addition, all persons or organizations, as set forth above, are expected to make good faith efforts to ensure that their business partners uphold these standards in relation to Scrum Alliance-related courses, events, and other offerings (e.g., by making adherence to these standards part of any formal agreements with partners). To the extent that any of the above-mentioned practices, or any other practices that are considered by Scrum Alliance to be disreputable or improper, are engaged in by any member or practitioner of Scrum Alliance, Scrum Alliance reserves the right to enforce these guidelines with measures that include, but are not limited to, termination of Scrum Alliance membership or termination of any Scrum Alliance certification.

Attachment 2

Hate Speech Policy

Scrum Alliance stands strongly for inclusion, openness, and acceptance of all people. While we believe in and support freedom of expression, we also believe that Scrum Alliance has the right to condemn ideas that are contrary to our values. 

Using a slightly modified version of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech definition of hate speech, Scrum Alliance defines hate speech as “any kind of communication, including through speech, writing, imagery, or behavior, that attacks or uses pejorative, dehumanizing, violent, or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender or other identity factor.” 

We will not tolerate hate speech from Scrum Alliance members in any context, including in personal social media channels or other non-professional venues. The actions of our members reflect on our community as a whole. When one of our members engages in hate speech, it not only damages both the Scrum Alliance brand and the entire scrum and agile community, but also runs contrary to our values as human beings, practitioners, and as an organization. 

Attachment 3

Values Statement


This Values Statement outlines Scrum Alliance values and the professional expectations of all practitioners. While a failure to conform to this Values Statement is not subject to the Disciplinary Policy and Procedures of Scrum Alliance, all practitioners are encouraged to uphold Scrum Alliance values and meet the professional expectations.

The following five values are the foundation of all work performed in scrum. These values are instrumental to the practitioner’s processes and interactions and the health and success of scrum and in agile activities generally.

  • Focus: Because we focus on only a few things at a time, we work well together and produce excellent work. We deliver valuable items sooner.
  • Courage: Because we work as a team, we feel supported and have more resources at our disposal. This gives us the courage to undertake greater challenges.
  • Openness: As we work together, we express how we're doing, what's in our way, and our concerns so they can be addressed.
  • Respect: As we work together, sharing successes and failures, we come to respect each other and to help each other become worthy of respect.
  • Commitment: We are committed to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team.

In furtherance of the values above, all Scrum Alliance practitioners should strive to:

  • Provide accurate information in a highly visible and timely manner;
  • Demonstrate transparency in their decision-making processes; and
  • Make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public safety, and the environment.

To report a potential violation by a member of our community, please click here.