Scrum Alliance Launches New Agile Skills Certification Focused on Scaling

Press Release

For Immediate Release:

12/13/2023 12:00:00 AM

Media Contact:

Adam Shapiro

(202) 427-3603
[email protected]

Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1 (CAS-S1) is a framework-agnostic scaling course designed for those who want to ramp up agile delivery successfully and sustainably across their organizations.

Denver, CO
: Scrum Alliance®, one of the largest membership organizations in the agile community, today announced the launch of a new scaling certification course designed for anyone who wants to scale agile delivery to execute enterprise strategy, build better products, and solve complex problems: Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1 (CAS-S1).

This course is designed to improve your current scaling endeavors. Whether you've never attempted agile scaling before or are in the midst of using a framework or program, CAS-S1 shows you how to assess and apply flexible methods for scaling agile product delivery across multiple teams and products. 

"Scaling agility is a cultural transformation that crosses all aspects of an organization, including people, processes, and tools," said Scrum Alliance Chief Executive Officer Tristan Boutros. "Everyone wants their agility efforts to scale, but there's no one-size-fits-all solution for scaling. Our new course will equip leaders and individual contributors with adaptable scaling skills to apply to their unique transformation. Teams everywhere want more flexibility to choose the best tools and practices for their environment, and that's why we've developed CAS-S1."

Scrum Alliance-approved instructors will offer this course in live online and in-person formats in regions across the globe. Prospective participants can use the Scrum Alliance online course search to find a class listing filtered by date, time, instructor, region, and format. Course listings and registration are available now, with classes starting in January 2024.

The course is designed for anyone involved in a scaling effort or considering an approach to scaling, including managers, executives, and anyone who functions as a change agent in their organization. People who have experienced difficulty implementing a scaling framework because of its rigidity and inability to evolve with the business will find this course teaches the skill set and techniques needed for a custom, responsive approach to scaling that emphasizes using agile to become agile.

"This skill set provides a means of understanding the importance of the changing context to scaling and a way to think through why some patterns are more appropriate to your current context than others," said Simon Orrell, a subject matter expert involved in the creation of the course and its learning objectives. Orrell was one of the first people to become a Certified Enterprise Coach in Canada in 2010 and has spent many years working with teams and leaders to transform businesses in the oil and gas, financial services, and construction industries. "Equipped with this skill set, you will be able to have more meaningful conversations with your colleagues as you navigate the ongoing scaling journey."

Learning objectives include:

  • Define what scaling is and what it is not
  • When to scale and when an organization may not be ready to scale
  • Describe different scaling strategies
  • Describe the risks of a static approach to scaling
  • Describe the relationship between scaling and business agility
  • Distinguish between principle-led, practice-led (framework), practice-led (methodology), practice-led (toolbox), and pattern-led approaches
  • Discuss the difference between a pre-configured, static, scaled approach and a changing, evolving, and growing one
  • Recognize there are no universally applicable approaches but a range of good and bad context-sensitive practices

Interested students can see the complete learning objectives to find out what to expect from this certification course.

Upon completing the course, students will receive a Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Skills - Scaling 1 certification that is valid for two years and can be renewed with a fee and the completion of learning credits known as Scrum Education Units.

About Scrum Alliance®
Scrum Alliance® is a nonprofit association with more than 1,200,000 members worldwide. Its mission is to advance real-world agility by equipping and inspiring the changemaker in everyone. Visit

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