Earl Everett
My certifications

Earl Everett has over 30 years of engineering, management, program, and development/test experience, and is currently an Enterprise Agile Coach with Advancing With Agile, LLC. He has managed development, test, and systems groups with firms such as HP, Dell, Autodesk, Advanced Fibre Communications, and Microsoft.
His first agile experience was in 1975, with the beginning of a 25+ year avocation playing rugby; his first hands-on software experience with Agile was in 2002, which demonstrated many of its benefits, and a few of its pit-falls. He has introduced or rebooted Agile and Scrum to a number of companies and organizations, including the City of Austin, HP, Dell, Lyris, and Autodesk. His groups all became hyper-productive (300% or more increases in productivity), with concomitant improvements in quality and customer satisfaction, while improving morale and having more fun.