We hope that you enjoyed the Global Scrum Gathering® Singapore 2017! Below is a listing of all speakers [listed alphabetically by last name] who provided a presentation for their session. We will continuously update this site as we receive speaker presentations.
Patel, Apeksha - Change Canvas
Alexander, Chris "Deuce" - Building Networks of High-Performing Teams Using Known Stable Interfaces
Behrens, Pete - The Five *oops* Six Mistakes Leaders Make with Agile
Ashok, Swarnalatha and Rajagopal, Saisudha - Experiential Education for Agile Software Engineering
Campbell, Duncan - Beyond Brainstorming: Innovation for Everyone
Chik, Michael - Agile Project Management with Scrum, Lean, and Kanban
Chin, Tang Tze and Anwar, Mazharul - Applying Lean Startup and Agile Architecture in an Enterprise
Dabrytski, Pavel - Psychology of Coaching: Understanding Science of Change
Friend, Tom - Scrum To The Stars Agile Innovation in Aerospace and Space Mission Model Design Canvas
Hiệp, Lê Trọng (Henry) - Extreme Programming Should Be Dead. Here is why!
Klimov, Kiril - Making Scrum More Powerful with Some Kanban
Koh, Steven - Agile Delivery in Government
Lau, Stanly - The Common Ground of Coffee-Making and Agile
Leybourn, Evan - The Structure of an Agile Organization: A Business Agility Primer
Li, Lo - Everyday Agile: A Janitor’s Journey
Li, Lo - Liberating Structures
Lopez-Stuit, Jeff and Waggoner, Chris - To Affinity and Beyond
Narayanan, Sriram “Ram” - Segregation of Duties and Continuous Delivery
Okoro, John - Agile and the Design Sprint
Okoro, John and Messer, Hugo - Distributed Agile in Large-Scale Teams
Pabst, Brent - Continuous X for Agilists: Tools Do Matter
Rahman, M. Mizanur - DevOps Demystified
Sahota, Michael - Delivering a High-Performance Agile Organization
Smalley, Anu and Megaw, Kate - Agile Leadership - The Power of Influence
Sussmann, Sebastian - Think outside the box (Marketing & Design)
Turner, Stuart - Agile Leadership: Me, A Leader?
Turner, Stuart - Smart National: Discovering Meaning and Fulfillment in a Smart Nation
Venkataramaiah, Satisha - Experience Mapping