Riverfront 2
Agile and the Design Spirit
John Okoro
Session Details
Agile and the Design Spirit
John Okoro
Room: Riverfront 2
Track: Agile Beyond IT
Session Type: Talk [Advanced]
Summary: We look at the Design Sprints (DS). Popularised by Google Ventures, DS is a way of connecting design thinking and Agile product development.
Learning Objects:
  • Learn how to increase collaboration with users and customers instead of having requirements thrown over the fence at your Agile team.
  • Learn how Design Sprints can be used to get Scrum / Agile product development teams off to a great start.
  • Learn about how Design Sprints are applied in other areas such as innovation labs, venture capital, and organizations undergoing a digital transformation.
Waterfront 1
Personal Agility
Maria Matarelli
Session Details
Personal Agility
Maria Matarelli
Room: Waterfront 1
Track: Business Agility
Session Type: Talk [Beginner]
Summary: Discover how to visualize what’s important and focus on what really matters through the power of personal agility.
Learning Objects: Discover how to visualize what’s important and focus on what really matters through the power of personal agility. Leverage the keys to unlock a truly Agile lifestyle and push past limiting beliefs to achieve goals you may have never thought possible. Uncover the powerful lessons that personal agility can help you in understanding what limits you can push and how to maintain focus and balance throughout your journey.
Riverfront 1
The Common Ground of Coffee-making and Agile Development
Stanly Lau
Session Details
The Common Ground of Coffee-making and Agile Development
Stanly Lau
Room: Riverfront 1
Track: Technical Track
Session Type: Talk [Beginner]
Summary: This talk shares how I see coffee-making and Agile development are closely related to the values they need.
Learning Objects: As a bonus, you'll also learn about speciality coffee and how to make a tasty cup of joe.
Waterfront 2
The Monotonous Agility: Identification and Prevention
Jaya Shrivastava
Session Details
The Monotonous Agility: Identification and Prevention
Jaya Shrivastava
Room: Waterfront 2
Track: Business Agility
Session Type: Talk [Beginner]
Summary: Learn how to avoid monotonous working environment to enable greater collaboration, creativity, and innovations within sprint teams.
Learning Objects:

The proposed presentation shall demonstrate how monotonous way of working impacts human minds and why it's detrimental to team productivity and products.

The session shall also cover multiple ways of human engaging engagement (one of them being themed sprints) and how it translates to improved engagement and product quality.

Click on a section in the schedule to the left to see details, available sessions and more.