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Certified ScrumMaster®

Learn how to apply scrum and gain practical agile skills to drive results in any role, whether you want to work as a scrum master or grow your capabilities. CSM® courses are delivered by Scrum Alliance-certified trainers who possess deep scrum knowledge. When you complete the course, you will receive a two-year Scrum Alliance professional membership.
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    Mon Apr 17 - 18, 2023

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    Wibautstraat 200/202

    Amsterdam, 1091 GS, NL

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4.90 out of 5.0 stars (116 ratings)
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Marco Mulder

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Certified Scrum Master (CSM) training van Marco Mulder

De training heeft een gezonde mix van theorie en praktijk. Door gebruik te maken van Agile oefeningen met krachtige debriefs zullen de deelnemers zich de theorie eigen maken. Tijdens de training deelt Marco zijn eigen ervaringen met Agile in veel verschillende organisaties, wat door de deelnemers zeer gewaardeerd wordt. Deelnemers die al ervaren zijn met Scrum verkrijgen scherpte inzichten hoe ze verder kunnen verbeteren. Deelnemers die nieuw zijn met Scrum zijn na de training in staat om Scrum direct na de training met enthousiasme toe te passen.


Peter Tkaczick - Managing Director
Peter Tkaczick
"Marco’s training was an unique exercise:

Due to C-19 the training was delivered remotely. Thanks to his positive personality, his enthusiasm and his comprehensive knowledge long virtual training days didn’t feel like so long. I was impressed by the fact that he applied the Scrum framework and principles in the training sessions to provide a first glance on sprint backlog, burndown metrics and the roles in a Scrum team. In remote breakout-sessions we were able to deepen what we have learnt before - the course did not leave any question open. I wished I had met more of such outstanding trainers/teachers in my life. I can only recommend Marco as a distinguished Agile/Scrum professional and I will ask my collegue to join one of his training sessions at the earliest opportunity. "

Camelia Lupu - Program Manager at TeamViewer
Camelia Lupu
"I am a virtual CSM course participant. Marco is a really skilled trainer, managed to keep the sessions quite interactive, covered all the essential points, gave lots of real-life examples, had smart and comprehensive answers to all questions. Group exercises are well thought and really push you to think of different situations and analyze. Overall a great trainer, who gives you all the skills and tools to pass the certification and get started on your Scrum path."

Griselda Williams - Marketing Manager at AppierCom & AppierSchool
Griselda Williams
"Marco's dynamic, energetic, engaging approach to teaching the Certified Scrum Master course brings the Scrum process to life. I was able to pass the test with 94% at my first sitting, straight out of the classroom, because he taught me to embody scrum and agile principles as part of my fundamental way of thinking. He taught it as an intuitive, logical process, rather than a system one has to learn by rote. I could not recommend Marco more highly if you want someone to really teach you to embrace Scrum and Agile Methodology fully in a very short space of time."

Tim Parks - Head of Engineering Systems and Services at Vanderbilt International (IRL) Ltd
Tim Parks
"The experience over the two-day course was fantastic. It was not a dry explanation of the Scrum framework. Instead a practical, example driven 2 days where we worked through all elements of the Scrum framework. Using interactive exercises, and getting the opportunity to put forward challenges each of us faced with Scrum in our day to day work. Marco help explain how best to apply Scrum to these real-world challenges. I would have no hesitation in recommending Marco Mulder as a Scrum Master trainer or as a business Scrum coach within a commercial environment. His experience in this field was clear and impressive."

Başak Çevik - Marketing Consultant & Agile Coach
Başak Çevik
"I attended Marco's Scrum Master Training. He is an experienced trainer as well as an experienced Agile consultant. His experience with different clients facilitates the understanding process. Especially if you are using Agile methodologies in business concept, you may feel sometimes ''left off'' in between the ''software people'' . However his training content covered business and technical aspects of Scrum. What I also like about his training was his designing entire training on Agile concepts where we learned by doing the sprint, burn down chart, estimation and all content in general. I found most of my answers of my question marks during 2 days. I advice his training for everyone who wants to comprehend Agile Concept. Thank you Marco!"

Ricardo Calles - Operations Manager @LeapCard
Ricardo Calles
"Marco's charisma and passion is contagious, his confidence is outstanding and is clear that the reason is he deeply believes and practices what he preaches. It is eye-opening how by showing the silliness of common used anti-patterns you can validate how wasteful they are, Marco has an amazing gift that allows him to resonate with his team on a more profound level than technical or intellectual, he connects instantly and promotes a winning attitude that doesn't go away."

Ciara Moran - Head of Product at Access Earth
Ciara Moran
"I had a great two days receiving training from Marco to become a Certified Scrum Master. Over the duration of the course my knowledge on Scrum grew exponentially with the learning process being fun and engaging. Not only did Marco create an environment that enabled us to retain knowledge easily, but he also enabled the group to collaborate to solve real work problems each person was having in their company. I highly recommend Marco as a teacher if you're looking for a fun and interactive way of growing your knowledge on scrum."

Gerard Allen - Director of Field Engineering, EMEIA at Jamf
Gerard Allen
"Marco's real world experience was invaluable in our recent Certified ScrumMaster training. He ability to meet the needs of a wide range of students (from newbie to seasoned ScrumMasters) was impressive. Everyone walked away feeling they got real value from the course. I would happily recommend Marco to anyone looking to understand/apply Scrum."

Dan Laffan - Head of Product Engineering, Deputy CTO at Sonru
Dan Laffan
"Marco just hosted Certified ScrumMaster® training, and literally within 24 hours I was able to pass the Scrum Alliance's exam. He did an awesome job handling lots of diverse questions, challenges from the group and he kept the entire experience lively and incredibly interesting. Great job, Marco!"

Paul Brady - Director, Foye Consulting
Paul Brady
"I attended a recent Certified Scrum Master training workshop with Marco, and it was one of the most engaging training workshops I've ever attended. Marco has a deep knowledge of Scrum (and Agile approaches) which drove a customized workshop for the attendees. My follow up exam with Scrum Alliance was easily passed at the first attempt.!"

Marco Mulder - Certified Scrum Trainer and Certified Enterprise Coach
Marco Mulder

Marco helpt organisaties om betere resultaten te behalen met het gebruik van Scrum en een breder scala aan Agile technieken. Marco traint en begeleidt teams, management, Product Owners en Scrum Masters in hun aanpassing en verdere ontwikkeling van Agile praktijken. Hij begeleidt verschillende grote bedrijven zoals Ahold, Wehkamp, Randstad, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank en Tommy Hilfiger. Hij begeleidt ook vele kleine bedrijven zoals Zicht Online, Digitpaint, Boerdam en Finaps. Daarnaast begeleidt hij overheidsinstanties zoals Waternet en Provincie Groningen. Marco zijn achtergrond is softwareontwikkeling, maar hij helpt ook regelmatig om Scrum toe te passen in niet IT-settings zoals marketingteams.

Marco’s ervaring met Agile gaat terug naar het begin van de Agile beweging in 2001. In die periode was Marco deel van OTI, een bedrijf opgericht door Agile pioniers. Als softwareontwikkelaar bij OTI werkte hij met Eclipse, een populaire ontwikkelingstool dat ontwikkeld was door een groep Agile teams. Later was Marco medeoprichter van NLScrum en heeft hij vaak als co-trainer naast Scrum-bedenker Jeff Sutherland gestaan. In 2011 werd Marco de tweede Certified Scrum Trainer in Nederland.

Voor meer aanbevelingen, zie Marco's linkedin profile.

Om Scrum te demonstreren, wordt Scrum zelf gebruikt in de training. Als deelnemer ben je stakeholder en wordt jouw input toegevoegd aan de Product Backlog met leerdoelen. Tijdens het werken aan deze leerdoelen, wordt in de training alles grondig behandelt wat nodig is om te slagen als Certified Scrum Master. Onderwerpen zijn:

  • Agile waarden, principes en mindset
  • Scrum achtergrond en overzicht
  • Rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
  • Veel voorkomende Scrum Master uitdagingen
  • Hoe coach je zelforganisatie en mutidisciplinair samenwerken in teams
  • Product Backlog en user stories
  • Product Backlog Refinenemt: hoe organiseer je dit optimaal
  • Hoe faciliteer je de Scrum events optimaal
  • Definition of Done
  • Schatten en release planning
  • Testen en kwaliteitsbeheer
  • Scrum-adoptie in verschillende organisaties
  • Organisatie-uitdagingen in de praktijk
  • Samenwerken in meerdere Scrum teams
  • Scrum Master Quiz

De training heeft een gezonde mix van theorie en praktijk. Door gebruik te maken van Agile oefeningen met krachtige debriefs zullen de deelnemers zich de theorie eigen maken. Tijdens de training deelt Marco zijn eigen ervaringen met Agile in veel verschillende organisaties, wat door de deelnemers zeer gewaardeerd wordt. Deelnemers die al ervaren zijn met Scrum verkrijgen scherpte inzichten hoe ze verder kunnen verbeteren. Deelnemers die nieuw zijn met Scrum zijn na de training in staat om Scrum direct na de training met enthousiasme toe te passen.

De training is in het Nederlands en duurt van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur.

De CSM training is geschikt voor iedereen die met Scrum werkt of van plan is dit te gaan doen. Je krijgt gedegen kennis over hoe en waarom Scrum werkt. Je leert hoe je teams kunt helpen om Scrum toe te passen en telkens te blijven verbeteren. De cursus is zeer geschikt voor mensen nog onbekend zijn met Scrum. Maar ook ervaren Scrum Masters verkrijgen veel praktische nieuwe kennis en ervaringen.


4.90 out of 5.0 stars
rating icon showing 4.90 stars. (116 ratings) TrustPilot logo

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course badge Certified ScrumMaster®
Where & when
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    Thu Aug 29 - 30, 2024
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    09:00 CEST
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    Wibautstraat 200/202
    Amsterdam, 1091 GS, NL
course badge Certified ScrumMaster®
Where & when
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    Thu Sep 05 - 06, 2024
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    09:00 CEST
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    Live Online
course badge Certified ScrumMaster®
Where & when
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    Mon Sep 09 - 10, 2024
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    09:00 CEST
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    De Ruijterkade 112-F
    Amsterdam, 1011 AB, NL