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Certified Scrum Developer®

Stand out from the crowd with a certification that proves your knowledge and understanding of the scrum framework. The CSDĀ® course is delivered by world-class trainers who have been extensively evaluated and vetted as leaders in technical practices, scrum, and agility. Successful completion of this course includes a two-year professional membership with Scrum Alliance and a globally recognized certification badge.
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    Mon Nov 25 - 28, 2024

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    14:00 CET

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    4 hours each day

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    Live Online

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Early bird pricing:
Price increases to €1.300 after 11/18/2024
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5.00 out of 5.0 stars (5 ratings)
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Course details

Andreas Wintersteiger
MPIRICS Consulting GmbH

Commit to continuous improvement and strengthen your agile engineering skills. Learn the tools and techniques needed to develop outstanding products in a Scrum environment. Link Scrum, agile development and technical excellence. Fix your Scrum implementation!

What you will learn:

  • What the agile principles really mean and how they can be brought to life in your organization
  • What makes a Scrum team successful, what team dynamics can we observe?
  • How are XP techniques, refactoring and DevOps related to Scrum
  • Why is agility without technical excellence an antipattern?
  • What does a good definition of done look like?
  • Practical examples and suggestions for effectively applying Scrum in your organization
  • The values, principles and mindset that are necessary to be successful with Agile and Scrum with your team

What you can expect:

  • An interactive training that is fun!
  • Role-playing and interactive, realistic exercises will allow you to experience Scrum live
  • For maximum learning success, you will work on some of the key concepts in small groups instead of just being told about them
  • We allow time and space for valuable discussions around your pain points


For your optimal training success, we assume that you have some sort of foundational knowledge of Scrum. Don't worry, we will provide you with our Scrum Foundations online course as a part of this training. This course is also an excellent way to evaluate your previous knowledge and refresh individual topics in a targeted manner.

What you get

  • An immersive learning experience led by an experienced team of trainers
  • 3 months of free access to our on-demand Scrum Foundations training
  • Two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance – giving you access to exclusive features and learning tracks from the Scrum Alliance
  • Electronic certificate and badge from the Scrum Alliance. Easily share your success and certificate with your network via social media
  • The latest edition of the book “Scrum Quick Start” by Andreas Wintersteiger
  • A Scrum poster, an “Agile Manifesto” poster and other goodies :)
  • Handouts, slides, and further reading material

10 good reasons why you should book your training with us

Because we apply the same standards to the design of our products and services that we tell you about in our training courses. Because we want to inspire you. Because we are not only experts in Agile, but also in learning. Because we put you at the center of what we do, and much more. There are significantly more than ten, but find out for yourself which reasons are important to you.


We won't leave you alone

Your special bonus with us: A session (approx. 1 hour) of professional agile coaching is included in the training! Take advantage of this offer to deepen and grow your learning even after the training.


Training is in German and material is in ENGLISH.

The training will take on four half days, monday to thursday 2pm to 6pm each. Timezone: Central European Timezone (Daylight saving time, CEST). On each day, we will have 3 sessions of 1h each with a 10 minute break in between:

  • Sesson 1 from 2:00 to 3.00 pm, with a ten minute break
  • Sesson 2 from 3:10 to 4:10 pm, with a ten minute break
  • Session 3 from 4:20 to 5:20 pm, with a 5 minute break
  • Q&A Session from 5:25 to 6pm
  • closing at 6pm every day

Your full attendance is required for certification.

Software developers, frontend, backend, full-stack, semi-stack or however you cool dev folks may call yourself, testers, test-automators, web designers, UX designers and anyone who works in a software development team. It doesn't matter whether you are new to a Scrum team or already have experience, you'll get value out of this! Engeering Managers, agile coaches and Trainers, and aslo Scrum Masters or Product Owners whow want to dive deeper into Agile Development are also highly welcome!


5.00 out of 5.0 stars
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