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Certified Scrum Product Owner®

Taught by: Bill Li
Advance your career with high-value product management skills. CSPO® delves into the scrum framework, agile principles, and relentless focus on delivering customer value. Scrum Alliance-certified trainers have exceptional qualifications, including extensive product management experience. A two-year Scrum Alliance professional membership is included with your successful completion of this course.
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4.50 out of 5.0 stars (56 ratings)
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19 - 20 October, 2024 |
 09:00 CST |
 8 hrs/day

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The course is delivered by Bill Li, one of China's most recognized Scrum and agile product dev and coaching experts.  本课程由国内其中最有经验的1位Scrum敏捷教练讲授:李国彪

This Certified Scrum Product Owner course is a 2-day intensive introduction to the product visioning & feature exploration and requirement management based in the Scrum framework detailing how Scrum and related product management & agile practices are applied by Product Owner and Scrum teams to rapidly validate product ideas, evolve requirements, and deliver potentially shippable products in frequent, time-boxed iterations.  The course uses a combination of lecture and experiential learning to instill a practical understanding of Scrum focusing on the activities the Product Owner, Team and other stakeholders perform while delivering to their commitments and aspiring to achieve hyper-productivity and product greatness.


The course covers or reviews high level of the core concepts of Scrum framework including: roles, activities, and artifacts that are applied to realize product requirements and project delivery; the Product Owner role including responsibilities and behavioral characteristics; and how he/she collaborates with and the role of a self-organizing, cross-functional development team as the primary organizational unit through which the product is developed and delivered. We will appropriately cover some effective agile product strategy and managment tools and related practices which may include Gold Circles-Start with "WHY", Impact Mapping, Lean Startup, and Design Thinking etc. The Scrum framework will be applied in a mini-project simulation where the concepts of user stories, agile estimation, and release planning are practiced in detail assuring participants have a practical understanding of the techniques.

课程内容覆盖Scrum框架的核心概念的概要性讲解及回顾,包括:角色,事件,及应用于实现产品的需求和项目交付;产品负责人角色包括其责任和行为特征,以及如何与自组织,跨职能开发团队进行充分的合作和互动。内容也将适量地涵盖黄金圈(从“为什么”开始),Impact Mapping, 精益创业,以及设计思考等有效产品策略、工具和实践。Scrum的框架将被用于小型项目的模拟演练,并练习使用用户故事、需求拆分、敏捷估算及发布计划等多种必要的敏捷实践以确保对核心概念和原则的有效理解与掌握。

Bill Li, the primary trainer and Managing Principal of UPerform Consulting Group, has over 23 years of domestic and oversea IT experience and is the Chinese translator and co-translator of 3 Scrum books written by Ken Schwaber and Mike Cohn.  In addition, normally there will be another agile coach to support the class.  Both Agile consultants bring significant practical experience in agile and traditional project delivery including XP, PMBOK based methodology etc. This course is delivered in either Chinese or English depending on the profile of course participants.  Both trainers speak fluent Chinese and English. 


About a week before coming to class you'll receive via email pre-requisite Scrum overview reading material. Additionally, as part of the two-day class each participant will receive the following:

  • Planning poker cards
  • 2-year membership with the Scrum Alliance


  • 计划扑克牌
  • 2年的Scrum联盟会员资格

Participants can also claim 16 PDU's with the PMI.


This course is organized by UPerform Consulting Group - China’s Leading provider of Scrum and Agile Training.

本课程由UPerform顾问机构组织 ―― 中国领先的Scrum和敏捷培训及咨询机构。

All CSM courses are taught by Certified Scrum Trainers. Taking a CSM course, passing the CSM test, and accepting the license agreement designates you as a Certified ScrumMaster, which indicates that you have been introduced to and understand the basic concepts you need to perform as a ScrumMaster or team member on a Scrum team. This course also satisfies two elements of the CSD track: Scrum Introduction and Elective.

The course is delivered by 1 most experienced agile coach in China: Bill Li.


Bill Li, CST (Certified Scrum Trainer), and consultant & coach active in China, Managing Principal of UPerform Consulting Group.  With over 23 years of cross-functional experiences in IT sector, Bill is among the pioneers who promoted Scrum and Agile since 2007, and is active contributor and speaker at agile community in China, including major Scrum and Agile conferences.

李国彪,Scrum联盟CST-认证Scrum培训师,中国地区推广敏捷的先行者之一。自2008年,作为Scrum培训师、敏捷教练和组织顾问,Bill感兴趣于如何能更有效地帮助客户的产品和研发组织及团队变得更有效果,更多的乐趣,更少的无谓的障碍和浪费,更少的压力,但能产出更好更精的产品和服务,获得更多的客户、员工、投资人、甚至于社区的尊重和认可…..Bill在敏捷领域服务过多家知名企业,对价值交付、敏捷思维和方式、团队氛围和激励、产品策略等有独特见解。他有超过23年的海内外跨职能IT行业管理及技术经验,自2004开始接触Scrum。李先生曾在美国师从软件界泰斗Ken Schwaber(Scrum的创立者之一)及Mike Cohn(敏捷估算及计划的鼻祖)。他近几年翻译或合作翻译了Ken的两本著作《Scrum敏捷项目管理》及《Scrum敏捷项目管理实战》,以及Mike的《用户故事与敏捷方法》。Bill也熟知PMI PMBOK项目管理方法。除了工科学位,李先生也是加拿大约克大学毕业的MBA。

Bill enjoys developing people and organizations through high quality Scrum and Agile training and consulting services.  His passion lies in helping clients’ product development organizations and teams to become more effective, having less waste and fewer impediments in their processes, less pressure, higher enjoyment, and producing better product and services, in an open, transparent, creative, and self-organized environment. 

Bill translated Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber into simplified Chinese and published it in 2007. He also co-translated Ken's next book on Scrum & Enterprise and Mike Cohn’s User Stories Applied, together with other 2 titles in Project Management area. Bill is MBA from Schulich School of Business, York University, and Bachelor of Engineering from South China University of Technology. He lives in Shanghai, China and Vancouver, BC, Canada.

This course is organized by UPerform - China’s Leading Provider of Scrum and Agile Training. UPerform has served the Chinese market for over 11 years. With outstanding references from highly satisfied corporate clients and individual CSM and CSPO students, UPerform is your clear choice for all of your Scrum and Agile training needs.

本课程由UPerform顾问机构组织 ―― 中国领先的Scrum和敏捷培训及咨询机构。UPerform已经服务中国市场超过11年,获得许多高满意度的企业客户和CSMCSPO学员的极力推荐和好评。毫无疑问,UPerform是您敏捷和Scrum培训及辅导服务的最佳选择和合作伙伴。




Scrum 框架概要及回顾:打造你自己的Scrum




黄金圈法则:从 WHY 开始


影响力图谱(Impact Mapping)及设计思考(Design Thinking)



你的故事图谱 (Story Map)以及MMF和MVP概念










High level course agenda:

Becoming a great Product Owner

Parable of Stones video (by Steve Jobs)

Scrum Framework Overview: Build Your Own Scrum 

             on Scrum Roles, Artifacts and Activities

Envisioning your product 

Optional: Business model generation

Golden Circle: Start with WHY

Sprinting, and evolving your product and requirements

Impact Mapping and Design Thinking approach

Product Backlog Development and Refinement

User Story practice / Splitting

Story Map (MMF/MVP)

Product Backlog prioritization techniques

Productizing, Estimating, Release Planning and Steering

Collaboration with your development team

Sprint Planning

Sprint Review

Business value extracting: Balancing Effectiveness and Efficiency 

Characteristics of a great roduct Owner

(Please contact us for any further question regarding the details of the course agenda)

This 2-day class is targeted to individuals practicing or looking to perform as a Product Owner or member of a Scrum Team including the ScrumMaster, but is also highly valuable for anyone interested in Scrum including Product Managers, Business Analysts, Line and Functional Managers, Software Quality Assurance Team Members, Project Managers, Team Leaders, Development Team Members, , Software Testing Team Members, etc.



4.50 out of 5.0 stars
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