- 模組1:敏捷與Scrum概述
- 模組2:Scrum角色
- 模組3:Scrum工件之產品清單及條目
- 模組4:敏捷估算與規劃
- 模組5:Scrum會議
Scrum中包含3個角色:ScrumMaster,產品負責人(PO)和開發團隊(Development Team)。為什麼是這3個角色,為什麼沒有專案經理,一線經理負責什麼。這些問題將會在本模組進行解讀。
2.1 開發團隊(Development Team)
2.2 ScrumMaster
2.3 產品負責人(Product Owner,PO)
敏捷中的估算怎麼做,需要細化到什麼程度。敏捷宣言中提到“回應變化 高於 遵循計畫”,那麼在敏捷中是否還需要計畫。敏捷中的規劃都有哪些,分別是什麼用處,在什麼階段使用。本模組主要討論這樣的一些主題。
Scrum會議包含:Sprint計畫會(Sprint Planning)、每日站會(Daily Scrum)、Sprint評審會(Sprint Review)、Sprint回顧會(Retrospective)以及產品清單梳理會。正是這5個會議支撐起Scrum框架,把Scrum團隊的日程工作串在一起。為什麼有這5個會議,什麼時間開這些會議,都有誰參加會議,開多久,如何開,這個模組會採用一種不同的方式,大家共創出這些答案。
English Introduction Agenda
- Module 1: Agile and Scrum overview
- Module 2:Scrum Roles
- Module 3:Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog and DoD
- Module 4:Agile Estimation and planning
- Module 5:Scrum Events
Module 1: Agile and Scrum overview
Only a few organization could deliver business values continuously, although many of them are doing agile. Why? What is the problem? This course will illustrate Scrum from “Tao, Method, Strategy” - 3 levels to decompose Scrum. The participant will not only know what is agile and Scrum, but also the core of agile and Scrum, and the truly benefits from agile.
Scrum is simple as a minimal reflective framework, but not easy to apply it. In this module, it will cover Scrum values, foundations and overview.
Module 2:Scrum Roles
There are 3 roles in Scrum: ScrumMaster, Product Owner, and development team. And why the 3 roles, why not project manager, what’s the responsibilities of managers. It will cover above questions in this module.
2.1 Development Team
It is self-managing, cross functional team for Development Team in Scrum, which is small team for swarming work together. How to build such team, and how to motivate the team. Let’s discover the secret of team in this module.
2.2 ScrumMaster
ScrumMaster is a totally new role in Scrum, who is not project manager. In Scrum, ScrumMaster looks idle, nothing to do. But it is illusion, and also misunderstanding. ScrumMaster works as coach, coaching team Scrum transformation; ScrumMaster also works as sheep dog, protecting team from the disturb; ScrumMaster is a facilitator, to make team meeting more focus and easier; ScrumMaster is a change agent, not only help team transformation, but also help organization transformation.
2.3 Product Owner
Product Owner is in charge of maximizing values of the product and development team. In Scrum, what tools and how PO could achieve above work, will be covered in this module.
Module 3:Product Backlog and Items
Product Backlog is the input for development team, which is the important part for a team. Good product backlog is DEEP. How to create a good product backlog, how to split items, and what should be put into product backlog. It will be covered in this module.
Module 4:Agile Estimation and planning
How to estimate in Scrum, and what level of details of items. “Responding to change over following plan” in agile manifesto, so how to do planning in agile. And what kinds of planning in Scrum, and how to use them.
Module 5:Scrum Events
Scrum Events includes: Sprint planning, daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospectives and product backlog refinement. Why does it have the 5 events in Scrum, when to have them, and how to do. Let us co-create the Scrum events together.