3Back's ADVANCED Certified ScrumMaster Training
Marcelo Lopez (CST, AKT, Path-to-CSP Educator) is a trainer, but also an active practitioner who co-owns/operates the largest group of Scrum practitioners on LinkedIn (it’s literally called “Scrum Practitioners”) with over 140K members.
As a former Chief Product Owner for a Medical Devices organization and Enterprise Coach in the financial and transportation/fuel distributions industries, there’s a spectrum of exposure to situations that are brought to bear in facilitating this next-step in a Scrum Master’s journey.
This course is for those who want to shift their game into higher gear. It’s intended to help reconnect (and refresh) a Scrum Master’s understanding of what Scrum is, how Scrum came to be Scrum, how to apply different stances of Scrum MasterING, using situations and scenarios where you ARE the Scrum Master.
Attain the A-CSM certification and badging you can display on social media
Earned 14 PDUs and Extended 2 Year Scrum Alliance Membership Included
Nothing else to pay….All Scrum Alliance Fees are Included
You’ll take away an online workbook that you, your classmates and trainer have built from the interactions in class, and retain access to…FOREVER [This is a multimedia-oriented course].
There is no formal pre-class work the student needs to perform, HOWEVER, it is strongly recommended that you read the 2020 Scrum Guide, review (especially if you haven’t given it some thought in some time) the Agile Manifesto values and principles, as well as the “New New Product Development Game”. Preparing with these fresh in your mind will help you come away with a deeper experience from the start.
3Back's Exclusive Companion Book
A Great Scrum Team is good at playing both the production and improvement games. The Scrum Mastering II book and companion course, will help you guide your team to become a Great Team that is proficient at both games. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.
To help you master Scrum, our books are broken down into two groups. The Scrum Handbooks which describe the models of Single-Team Scrum and Multi-Team Scrum - what it is. And the Scrum Guidebooks, which describes guidance for implementation - how to apply. Both book groups will help you frame Scrum Effectively so that you can maximize your chances of success - especially in complex, ever-changing environments.
The Scrum Leadership Series is a core set of books and companion courses that, when combined with years of domain-driven experience, allow a person to be designated as a Recognized Scrum Leader.